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This Documentation describes how to use Salesforce Partner Community, starting from lead creation and ending with managing opportunities.

Created: December 2021


Table of Contents

Get Started


  • Fill in mandatory fields:
    • Project Name
    • Power - specify who is a decision maker
    • Close Date - estimate the date when you expect to close the Project
    • Stage - select commonly, when you only create a Project, it is Intro/ Qualification stage
    • Account Name and Contact - associate the Project with an existing Account and Contact or create a new one 


  • To open a Contact, click on its Name

  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Contact, add Notes or clone it

  • From the Related Details and Activities, you have access to all the information connected with the Contact: Account, open Tasks, Activity History; you can create new Tasks and attach any files

Task Performance


Create a New Task

  • Click New Task button to create a Task


  • My Profile - this is your personal Profile, you can add user picture, edit your personal information
  • My Account - this is your Company Profile Business Entity created by Wildix, you cannot modify the information present on this page


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