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This guide describes how to set up a notification call to a management / frontdesk extension when someone dials emergency number (911 in our example)

Created: December 2018


Emergency Call Notification - Use Case



Note: you can replace this call group application with any treatment that you would like of course.  Example, if you would rather ring an external number you could use a Dial the Trunk application. However, in our example, it makes the most sense to put the call in call group forever so that it will call users of the call group until someone ultimately answers and is informed of the 911 call.

The way it works


As a result of someone calling the emergency number (911), their call will be processed as usually.  In ADDITION to routing the 911 call to a trunk, the PBX engine (Callweaver) will generate a separate call leg and ring the “Notification” call group until someone picks up the call. Once someone answers this call out of the call group they will hear a TTS message saying which extension called the emergency.




In our example we used:

  • User 765 and 777
  • Dialplan Entries for Routing of 764 and 778


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