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This Guide explains how to get the location of the nearest W-AIR Base Station in W-AIR Network in case of emergency alarm triggered on W-AIR Handset.

  • Min W-AIR firmware: 0501b5
  • Min WMS version: 5.02.20201207.3
  • W-AIR documentation: Link

Created: December 2020

Updated: April 2022


Table of Contents



  • establish WMS Network between Cloud PBX and Virtual/ Hardware PBX 
  • provision W-AIR Bases on Cloud PBX and set up W-AIR Network
  • assign a user from Cloud PBX to W-AIR Headset (this user will trigger an alarm)
  • assign a user from VM/HW /VM PBX to any device (this user will receive an emergency call)
  • configure Alarm and Text Messaging & Alarm Server on Main W-AIR Base using VirtualVM/ Hardware HW PBX IP
  • run PBX configuration and create Dialplan on VirtualVM/ Hardware HW PBX IP
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