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On this page, you can find detailed description of the Cloud Analytics (CDR-View 2.0) feature in Collaboration which provides all the information you need to keep on top of your business.

Created: July 2023



The following views are available: 

  • Data Grid



    • Flow id is the unique identifier of a call, including all call transfers. 
      For example, you see a call that consists of multiple parts and want to filter all its parts. You can use Flow id for this.
    • Part refers to the number of transfers, starting from 0. First part of a call is a 0 transfer, the next on is the first transfer (Part=1), etc.
    • In the Flags column, call flow is marked with flags (which act like tags). Currently, the following flags are available: voicemail, wizyConference, pbxConference, mobility, fax.

  • Line Chart

  • Area Chart

  • Pie Chart

  • Bar Chart

  • Column Chart 


  • Direction: choose if you want to see inbound, internal, or outbound calls
  • Service: select the services (Call groups) you want to be displayed
  • Talk Time: select talk time (currently, the filter is available in seconds)
  • Trunk: choose the trunks to be included in the report
  • Tags: select available tags
  • PBX: choose the necessary PBX serial(s)
  • Date: choose the period by which the data should be filtered:
    • Tab Rolling: 
      • Yesterday
      • Today
      • This (minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), quarter(s))
      • Last (number of minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), quarter(s))  
      • Before (<)
      • After (>)
      • On or after (
      =): lets you indicate a specific date
    • On or after: displays data of a chosen date and later period
    • Before: displays data of a period before the selected date
    • Between: allows to indicate a specific interval, with start and end date
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      • ≥)
      • On or before (≤)
      • Week to date
      • Month to date
      • Quarter to date
    • Tab Fixed:
      • Between / Not in between
      • On (=) / Not on (!=)
      • In month and year
      • In quarter and year, etc. 

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  • Name: select the user(s) to be included in the report
  • ACL Group: select ACL group(s) to be displayed
  • Number: choose the number/ extension to filter all incoming and outgoing calls to the selected number/ extension
  • Department: select the necessary department(s) of PBX users
  • Timezone: choose the timezone
  • Group by: choose if you want to group the data by Status, Direction, Service, Trunk, or PBX. 
