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1. Configure Retail mode on the PBX 

To configure Retail mode on your PBX, open a ticket with our Technical Support team and our x-hoppers architects will help you with the setup. 


Note: To see if Retail mode is activated, you can check the following parameters in the [wildixair] section of the /rw2/etc/provision.conf file:

  • WairRetailmode=on
  • WairAudiofeedback=voice
  • WairSilentcharging=on
  • WairSilentmode=off


curl -u admin:admin_password -X POST '' --data-urlencode "channel=Local/conf*1@pbxservices" --data-urlencode "context=clickcollect" --data-urlencode "priority=1" --data-urlencode "exten=s" --data-urlencode "variable=text=124" --data-urlencode "callerid=1"


Gather & Post content to x-bees


Starting from WMS Beta 6.03.20230606.1, it is possible to transcribe the content of x-hoppers conference to x-bees conversation, with messages in the conversation displayed on behalf of the user who is speaking. 

To configure the feature: 

  1. Create x-bees conversation with users that are in the x-hoppers conference

  2. Copy x-bees conversation ID (available in the URL of the conversation)

  3. Add following data to the /rw2/etc/pbx/x-hoppers.json file:

    • "audio_conf_id": "ID of the x-hoppers conference",

    • "xbees_channel_id": “ID of the x-bees conversation”

When the feature is enabled, whatever is told in the conference is automatically transcribed and displayed in x-bees conversation, so managers could monitor what was discussed in the conference.


Note: If user talks for more than 60 seconds without a pause, the message is not transcribed.

Record in-store conversations

Starting from WMS Beta 6.03.20230424.1, it is possible to record in-store conversations and listen them via CDR-View. The recording starts when user unmutes himself in the conference and begins talking.

 To enable the functionality:

Add the following key to the /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf file: --conf-recording

Code Block
# vi /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ --conf_recording

Reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

Code Block
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart pbx-data-engine

Once enabled, the recording of in-store conversations get displayed in the CDR-View.


Current limitations:





  • The support starts from WMS 6.03.20230630.3. 
  • The feature works only if there is an x-hoppers license available on the PBX.

Record in-store conversations (listen in CDR-View)

Starting from WMS 6.03.20230630.3, it is possible to record in-store conversations and listen them via CDR-View. The recording starts when user unmutes himself in the conference and begins talking.

Conversations recording is also required if you wish to transcribe in-store conversations and post content to x-bees channel (setup instructions available in further section of this guide).

To enable the functionality:

  1. Add the following key to the file: 

    Code Block
    # vi  /etc/systemd/system/pbx-data-engine.service.d/override.conf
    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ --conf_recording

  2. Reload systemd and restart the service to apply the changes:

    Code Block
    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl restart pbx-data-engine

    Once enabled, the recording of in-store conversations get displayed in the CDR-View. Recording starts when a user unmutes themselves in the conference and starts talking.


Current limitations:

  • Recording is not automatically stopped if user forgets to mute the headset.
  • For a new user who joins the conference, recording is automatically started even if the user is muted, and the recording file of about 3 seconds is saved on the PBX.

Post content to x-bees channel

Use case 1: Veesion integration

When there is an alert from Veesion, the relevant message, containing alert type, date, time, camera IP, ID of the camera and group, as well as video attachment, is sent to x-bees conversation.

Documentation: x-hoppers integration with Veesion

Use case 2: Transcribe all in-store conversations

It is possible to transcribe the content of x-hoppers conference (everything that was said during the day) and post it to x-bees conversation (both the transcription and the audio recording of each piece of the conversation)The transcription is posted on behalf of the users that were talking at a given moment.


Important: Make sure you've also set up recording of the in-store conversations (see the "Record in-store conversations (listen in CDR-View)" section of this guide.

To configure  

  1. Create x-bees conversation with all the users that are participating in the x-hoppers conference and also needed managers.

  2. Copy x-bees conversation ID (available in the URL of the conversation)

  3. Add the following data to the /rw2/etc/pbx/x-hoppers.json file:

    Code Block
        "store_veesion_id": "test-store-wildix",
        "name": "Store1",
        "audio_conf_id": "2",
        "location": "Odesa",
        "xbees_channel_id": "f6d17593-98b6-471d-941a-cd03153f",
        "user": "12345"


    • store_veesion_id (optional): ID of the store on the Veesion side. Applicable if there is Veesion integration. 
    • name: name of the store 
    • audio_conf_id: ID of the audio broadcast channel in x-hoppers where the communication takes place
    • location: location of the store
    • xbees_channel_id: ID of the x-bees conversation, copied in step 2, where the content will be posted.
    • user: user, on behalf of whom the content will be posted (applicable for Veesion integration)

When the feature is enabled, whatever is told in the conference is automatically transcribed and displayed in x-bees conversation, so managers could monitor what was discussed in the conference.


Note: If user talks for more than 60 seconds without a pause, the message is not transcribed.

How to increase volume for noisy environments


Note: The support starts from WMS Beta 6.03.20230601.1.
