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Note: Support starts from apps versions: Android 5.11, iOS 8.11

Prioritize the longest waiting calls on different queues

Imagine, you have an agent present in multiple queues. In case there are ringing calls in several queues, which one will be distributed to this agent? Before WMS 6.02, the distribution order in such cases was random. In WMS 6.02 we add a global Dialplan variable allowing the system administrator to control this behavior.

By enabling the new behavior, the agent present in multiple queues will be sure to get the longest waiting call. The system will check the waiting time in all the queues before distributing the call.


Read the documentation:

Users import

Office 365

Microsoft 365 allows the usage of additional attributes to map different fields when importing users. We introduce the new field extensionAttribute1-15 that you can use to sync Custom attributes.



For Google, additional data can be imported using the new Custom_* field. In addition, we added the possibility to sync language.


Security updates

SSL connection for sending CDR data to remote MySQL

In one of the recent releases, we added the possibility to use an external CDR backend for cloud PBXs for customers who wanted to keep their CDRs in-house.

With this update, we improve the security of connections to an external MySQL DB. SSL connection is enabled via a custom config parameter. Read the documentation for more details:

Create your own list of Trusted IPs

We introduce a new section in WMS - PBX - Security menu, allowing system administrators to create their own list of Trusted IPs. This is particularly useful in cases with large installations and big volumes of connection and reconnection requests coming from devices at the same time. 

Now, in addition to our IP tables standard setup, you can create your own list of trusted IP addresses, so that our SIP proxy and/or iptables module will not block connection attempts. This gives you more flexibility and control over managing outbound connections to your systems. 


Admin permissions ACLs

With this release, you can gain more control over what other system administrators are allowed to do on WMS. An example is unexpected charges due to license upgrades performed by one of the system administrators for certain users on the PBX.

Now you can restrict the ability to change the license type of users, using the new ACL “Can/Cannot” - "Change license type". Remember to combine this restriction with another ACL that was already there - “Can/Cannot” - "Add and remove users". Using both of them gives you the level of control you should have.
